Bit Cemetery
Sometimes you got an idea for a stand-up bit that just doesn’t work on stage. Either the timing’s too long, the premise too obscure, or the shelf life’s too short. Please pay your respects to the satirical bits that were not long for this world, but nonetheless received a breath of life in an attempt to resuscitate some lost humor in essay format.
Like satirical essays will ever be a thing, right?

Hella Braided Challah
20 min prep. 30 min bake. 3 hr proof. (total)
Origin Story - Chandler The Fool
Born to be not taken seriously.

Matzo-rella Balls: Passover Remix
Fried cheese balls with tomato sauce and basil, aka Carny Caprese

Hungry For Hippo
Stimulate the economy, feed the public, create a new culinary niche, and responsibly manage invasive wildlife.

Breakfast Nachos
20-30 min prep. 15-30 min cook.

Carne Asada Tacos & Mango Salsa
1 hr prep. 30-45 min cook.

Kentucky Fried Conspiracies
How am I supposed to trust that my chicken is authentically Kentucky Fried when it is clearly being sold by a Northeastern Carpetbagger in disguise?

Danger From the Deep
Shark week has the sheeple fooled, here’s eight to ten-tacle more reasons to be afraid of the water.

Cinnamon Rolls
3.5 hr prep. 30 min cook.